
Unlocking Financial Insights: ICAI’s 2023 Guidance for Non Corporate Entities

  1. Applicability

All Business or Professional Entities, other than Companies incorporated under the Companies Act and Limited Liability Partnerships incorporated under the Limited Liability Partnership Act are considered to be Non-Corporate entities.

This Technical Guide is relevant for the preparation of the financial statements of Non-Corporate Entities which include sole proprietorship firms, partnership firms, trusts, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), association of persons (AOPs), co-operative societies, etc.

  • Objective

This guidance note is aimed to further ensure that the prescribed formats of financial statements are followed to achieve standardization and improve the quality of the financial reporting of NCEs.

  • Effective From

The Guidance Note applies to financial statements for periods starting from April 1, 2024 (FY 2024-25). Those following the principles and formats prescribed by relevant authorities, such as Trusts under Maharashtra Public Trust Rules or Autonomous Bodies under the Government of India and LLPs, are specifically excluded from the scope of this Guidance Note.


For NCEs, the entities are classified into four categories, i.e., Level I (large size NCEs), Level II, III & IV (Micro, Medium and Small NCEs), for applicability of these accounting standards, with certain exemptions/ relaxations for non-company entities falling in Micro, Medium and Small sized classification. The exemptions/ relaxations for Level II, III & IV (Micro, Medium and Small NCEs) are as follows:

ASLevel II EntitiesLevel III EntitiesLevel IV Entities
AS 1ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 2ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 3Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 4ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 5ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 7ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 9ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 10ApplicableApplicable with disclosures exemptionApplicable with disclosures exemption
AS 11ApplicableApplicable with disclosures exemptionApplicable with disclosures exemption
AS 12ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 13ApplicableApplicableApplicable with disclosures exemption
AS 14ApplicableApplicableNot Applicable
AS 15Applicable with exemptionsApplicable with exemptionsApplicable with exemptions
AS 16ApplicableApplicableApplicable
AS 17Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 18ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 19Applicable with disclosures exemptionApplicable with disclosures exemptionApplicable with disclosures exemption
AS 20Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 21Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 22ApplicableApplicableApplicable only for current tax related provisions
AS 23Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 24ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 25Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 26ApplicableApplicableApplicable with disclosures exemption
AS 27Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable
AS 28Applicable with disclosures exemptionApplicable with disclosures exemptionNot Applicable
AS 29Applicable with disclosures exemptionApplicable with disclosures exemptionApplicable with disclosures exemption
  • Criteria for classification of Non-company Entities as decided by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Level I Entities

Non-company entities which fall in any one or more of the following categories, at the end of the relevant accounting period, are classified as Level I entities:

(i) Entities whose securities are listed or are in the process of listing on any stock exchange, whether in India or outside India.

(ii) Banks (including co-operative banks), financial institutions or entities carrying on insurance business.

(iii) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities, whose turnover (excluding other income) exceeds rupees two-fifty crore in the immediately preceding accounting year.

(iv) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities having borrowings (including public deposits) in excess of rupees fifty crore at any time during the immediately preceding accounting year.

(v) Holding and subsidiary entities of any one of the above.

Level II Entities

Non-company entities which are not Level I entities but fall in any one or more of the following categories are classified as Level II entities:

(i) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities, whose turnover (excluding other income) exceeds rupees fifty crore but does not exceed rupees two-fifty crore in the immediately preceding accounting year.

(ii) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities having borrowings (including public deposits) in excess of rupees ten crore but not in excess of rupees fifty crore at any time during the immediately preceding accounting year.

(iii) Holding and subsidiary entities of any one of the above.

Level III Entities

Non-company entities which are not covered under Level I and Level II but fall in any one or more of the following categories are classified as Level III entities:

(i) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities, whose turnover (excluding other income) exceeds rupees ten crore but does not exceed rupees fifty crore in the immediately preceding accounting year.

(ii) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities having borrowings (including public deposits) in excess of rupees two crore but does not exceed rupees ten crore at any time during the immediately preceding accounting year.

(iii) Holding and subsidiary entities of any one of the above.

Level IV Entities

Non-company entities which are not covered under Level I, Level II and Level III are considered as Level IV entities.

Additional requirements

  • An MSME which avails the exemptions or relaxations given to it shall disclose (by way of a note to its financial statements) the fact that it is an MSME, the Level of MSME and that it has complied with the Accounting Standards insofar as they are applicable to entities falling in Level II or Level III or Level IV, as the case may be.

(2) Where an entity, being covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV, had qualified for any exemption or relaxation previously but no longer qualifies for the relevant exemption or relaxation in the current accounting period, the relevant standards or requirements become applicable from the current period and the figures for the corresponding period of the previous accounting period need not be revised merely by reason of its having ceased to be covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV, as the case may be. The fact that the entity was covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV, as the case may be, in the previous period and it had availed of the exemptions or relaxations available to that Level of entities shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. The fact that previous period figures have not been revised shall also be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.

(3) Where an entity has been covered in Level I and subsequently, ceases to be so covered and gets covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV, the entity will not qualify for exemption/relaxation available to that Level, until the entity ceases to be covered in Level I for two consecutive years. Similar is the case in respect of an entity, which has been covered in Level II or Level III and subsequently, gets covered under Level III or Level IV.

(4) If an entity covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV opts not to avail of the exemptions or relaxations available to that Level of entities in respect of any but not all of the Accounting Standards, it shall disclose the Standard(s) in respect of which it has availed the exemption or relaxation.

(5) If an entity covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV opts not to avail any one or more of the exemptions or relaxations available to that Level of entities, it shall comply with the relevant requirements of the Accounting Standard.

(6) An entity covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV may opt for availing certain exemptions or relaxations from compliance with the requirements prescribed in an Accounting Standard:

Provided that such a partial exemption or relaxation and disclosure shall not be permitted to mislead any person or public.

(7) In respect of Accounting Standard (AS) 15, Employee Benefits, exemptions/ relaxations are available to Level II and Level III entities, under two subclassifications, viz., (i) entities whose average number of persons employed during the year is 50 or more, and (ii) entities whose average number of persons employed during the year is less than 50. The requirements stated in paragraphs (1) to (6) above, mutatis mutandis, apply to these sub-classifications.

  • Components of Financial Statements

All the reporting requirements are the same as that of the Corporate Entities subject to the following:

  1. For non-company entities, AS 3 provides that financial statements of Micro, Small, and Medium Sized Enterprises (Level IV, Level III, and Level II non-company entities), may not include cash flow statements, i.e., preparation of cash flow statements is not mandatory. Such entities are, however, encouraged to comply with this standard.
  • Where compliance with the requirements of the relevant statute including Accounting Standards as applicable to the Non-Corporate entity require any change in treatment or disclosure including addition, amendment, substitution or deletion in the head or sub-head or any changes, inter se, in the financial statements or statements forming part thereof, the same shall be made and the formats shall be modified accordingly.
  • Depending upon the Total Income of the Non-Corporate entity, the figures appearing in the Financial Statements may be rounded off as given below:—
  • Less than one hundred crore rupees – To the nearest hundreds, thousands, lakhs or millions, or decimals thereof.
  • One hundred crore rupees or more – To the nearest lakhs, millions or crores, or decimals thereof.
  • Announcements

The criteria for classification of Non-company entities for applicability of Accounting Standards supersedes the earlier Announcement of the ICAI on ‘Harmonization of various differences between the Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI and the Accounting Standards notified by the Central Government’ issued in February 2008, to the extent it prescribes the criteria for classification of Non-company entities (Non-corporate entities) and applicability of Accounting Standards to non-company entities, and the Announcement ‘Revision in the criteria for classifying Level II non-corporate entities’ issued in January 2013. This Announcement is not relevant for Non-company entities who may be required to follow Ind AS as per relevant regulatory requirements applicable to such entities.

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